
Card #3 - Elk - Nobility

“Celebrate your accomplishments with humility. You are crowned with success. Powerful forces guide you. Your ability to conquer challenges is limitless.”

You are one who is consciously aware of the “powerful forces” that are guiding you, and Spirit is smiling upon you. It knows that this has not been an easy path to tread, but you have done so with “class” and nobility. You are to be congratulated! You’ve done it the very best that you’ve been able, and Spirit wants you to know that is “more than enough.”

As humans, we often look toward the next challenge before having mentally, emotionally, and physically completed the previous one. Spirit is asking you to slow down. Take a look at where you have been, and what got you to the point at which you currently find yourself before looking toward that “next challenge.”

Love on yourself a bit first!

Thank yourself! Whether it is your body, heart, or mind that endured the challenge, show it gratitude and love for getting you through to the other side.

And, if it is appropriate, celebrate your accomplishment and getting to the other side of the challenge “in one piece.”

The human mind/ego will convince you that it might not be “in good taste” or doing so might be perceived as being “self-centered.” Spirit wants you to know that you and your human brothers and sisters are not “self-centered” enough. In truth, humans tend to be more “other-centered” than is good for them.

Take some time and celebrate your wins, dear friend. Celebrate you! You’ve been through some **it. Celebration and regrouping is justified before looking toward the next mountain to climb.

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Card #2 - Deer - Love

“Be gentle with yourself. You heal with the power of love. See the light in all things. Acknowledge your self-worth and grace.”

If you saw yourself from the perspective that Spirit, your angels, and spirit guides saw you, you would never question yourself again. You (or your mind/egoic self) would never treat yourself as shabbily and with as much disrespect as you typically do.

“As I see myself, I see Spirit.”

You ARE Spirit. You are a Spark of the Divine, just like the rest of US (United Spirit).

As such, you ARE love.

Love is NOT an emotion. It is an energy.

If we truly want to embody all that we are, we must first realize that we are love in our innate state of being.

There is a great deal in our lives and our world that is askew and out of whack.

Many of us want to “save” the world, and we have all sorts of ideas of how to accomplish this, which usually start with “everybody else.”

“If so and so would just do this… the world would be a much better place.”

In order to heal ourselves as well as the world, the planet, and ALL of her inhabitants (including the flora and fauna), we must start with OUR SELF. We must learn to embody all that we are beyond the superficial human life/drama we are living. Only by embodying the energy of LOVE, will we be able to heal the woes of our world.

It starts with us shining an introspective light upon ourselves FIRST and FOREMOST.

The criticisms we have regarding others usually exist with ourselves, and the very fact that they are coming up in our consciousness is a signal that it is something that needs to be healed within us. Once we do this… it will seemingly and like magic disappear from the “outside” world.

So, this card asks you to embody, to BE love. By doing so, you can heal yourself, your loved ones, and others, as well as the world at large.

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Card #1 - Sea Turtle - Protection

“You are master of finding life’s flow. Be in harmony with the rhythm and your path will unfold. Persevere and you will succeed. You have everything you need to be protected and happy.”

When we are connected with all that is and all that we are, we are naturally in harmony and flow with the Universal energy. It is then that we are able to see the bigger picture and our world from a higher perspective. It is then when are able to see all around us as a “citizen” of the Universe. It is from this vantage point, we are connected and in communication with life itself. It is from here that we are actively guided by higher forces. When we consciously live in this flow, we become aware that all we need, want, and desire is already within our energetic field. It is easier, when we are existing in this state of being, to allow it all in and allow it to manifest into being. When we are existing in this state of being, it is easier for us to move from the true essence of Spirit that we are and move our mind/egoic self - that part of us that believes it knows it all - aside, so the part of us that really does know ALL can move things into being. It is in this state of being that we truly are safe and no longer need to fear because it is so much easier for us to “hear” our highest self as well as our guides, who can see all that is headed our way long before its arrival and thus stay out of the path of anything that may cause us irreparable harm.

In other words, this card is guiding you to insert yourself into Universal flow this week in a conscious manner. Consciously connect and communicate with Spirit, your angels, and spirit guides.

If you are seeking ideas how to do this in a more conscious manner, here is a blog post I wrote about Chatting With Spirit.


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